Bio-specific data tools that shorten your experimentation cycles.
Ingest, transform, visualize, and annotate data within a single platform. Accelerate research with tools built specifically for the life sciences.

Trusted by scientists at

Faster entry and automatic organization that makes data easily searchable.
Utilize AI-assisted plate parsing to convert semi-structured data into structured formats, saving time and reducing errors.

Enrich datasets with relevant metadata and tag for easy organization and searchability. View the details of existing datasets and update their schemas to better suit your analysis needs.
Upload data effortlessly on a cloud-based platform that can process high-throughput experiments.

Track every operation performed on your data to ensure transparency and reproducibility.
Merge datasets based on common attributes and combine multiple datasets in a single workspace for new insights.

No-code tools to analyze bioscience data and produce visualizations.
Bring together multiple datasets from different data sources for quicker access, comparison, and analysis.

Generate interactive plots that are easily customizable to communicate your findings effectively. Identify data points, trends, or outliers for further analysis.

Access a library of bio-specific data transformations and statistical tests. Refine your analysis and derive meaningful insights.

Handle large datasets with ease, allowing for analysis of hundreds of thousands of rows in performant data tables.
Filter, group, and aggregate your data without writing a line of code. Focus on specific subsets of information and generate summary statistics for better decision-making.

Error-free data upload directly from external sources.
- Enable ML and informatics teams to define schemas and register data with code.
- Integrate Sphinx with external data sources like your LIMS and object storage service to sync your data.
- Automatically identify entities and samples in datasets while uploading data, without writing code.
- Utilize this auto-enriched data for stronger analysis.

Add annotations that make interpretation and collaboration easier. Provide valuable context to downstream ML teams and get clear provenance on all your data.

Built to function effortlessly within your existing setup.
Use Sphinx alongside your LIMS, databases, and object storage for a unified data analysis experience.

Scientific research means unique data structures and workflow challenges.
Manual data entry and formatting eats into valuable research time.
Automated data ingestion that frees your team to focus on analysis.
Ad hoc data analysis tools cause slow turnaround times and errors.
Pre-built bio-specific transformations and customizable templates for fast and accurate results.
Scattered datasets make it difficult to collaborate and track data lineage.
Collaborative annotation features and the ability to visualize lineage ensure clear data provenance.
Disconnected results and experimental metadata lead to decisions made with sub-optimal information.
Cross-experiment dataset analysis and visualization in one workspace helps you make use of all your data.
Manual data entry and formatting eats into valuable research time.
Ad-hoc data analysis tools cause slow turnaround times and errors.
Scattered datasets make it difficult to collaborate and track data lineage.
Disconnected results and experimental metadata lead to decisions made with sub-optimal information.

Automated data ingestion that frees your team to focus on analysis.
Pre-built bio-specific transformations and customizable templates for fast and accurate results.
Collaborative annotation features and the ability to visualize lineage ensure clear data provenance.
Cross-experiment dataset analysis and visualization in one workspace helps you make use of all your data.

Bridge the gap between your machines and teams, one R&D cycle at a time.
R&D for life sciences is painfully slow. Data is being generated faster than your computational teams can keep up with. And analysis tools aren’t flexible enough for the changing experimental designs at biotech labs.
That’s why we built Sphinx.
Generic data analysis tools struggle with the complexities of life sciences data. Our bio-specific tools make everything easier—from statistical transformations to collaboration among teams.
Scientists get instant results without waiting on computational biologists. Computational teams build a data catalog with clear provenance by integrating Sphinx into their toolset.
Desktop-based tools struggle to handle data scattered across your organization or process large-scale throughputs. Sphinx analyzes millions of data points at once.
No more manual data parsing or transformation. We leverage AI to automate these processes, saving you time and effort.